Protection programs for wild horses and burros

Over the last few decades, many organizations have been formed to promote the preservation and well-being of wild horses and burros in North America. Some of these organizations are explored here.

The Bureau of Land Management

This organization created the Wild Horse and Burro Program to manage and implement the Wild-Free Roaming Horses and Burros Act, passed by the American Congress in 1971. Currently, the U.S. Forest Service has the responsibility to manage and protect wild horses and burros.

It is the responsibility of the BLM to manage the well-being of populations of wild horses and burros. Without proper management, herds can double in size in just a few years. Population control is required to protect the West’s natural resources and ensure that wild animals remain healthy.

The BLM controls populations via birth control and by removing animals and placing them under private care.

The American Wild Horse Campaign (AWHC)

This is a nonprofit movement established to ensure the future of wild horses and burros in the Western parts of North America where they roam. One of its missions is to reform the federal wild horse and burro roundup program and substitute it with better management that keeps wild horses and burros free and protected.

AWHC currently manages the largest fertility control program for wild horses in the world.

The animal welfare institute (AWI)

The AWI promotes the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971. The organization argues that wild horses need less interference from the BLM. They are also proponents of non-lethal management of excess populations. The institute also supports the notion that wild horses require more freedom to roam their legal and traditional ranges.

Return to freedom: wild horse conservation

In the mid-1990s, there were still wild horses surviving in remote areas, but these habitats and populations were slowly being destroyed. Neda DeMayo researched various horse sanctuaries throughout America and the challenges affecting wild horses.

With an intention to preserve what is left of the natural habitat of wild horses, the Return to Freedom American Wild Horse Sanctuary was established. In February 2015, the organization celebrated their 17th anniversary as a leading organization to preserve wild horses and burros in the USA.

Join a protection program today

Consider donating to a protection program to ensure the long-term preservation of America’s wild horses and burros. Do a little research on the existing organizations and their activities to ensure your donation goes through the right channels. Your support can make a difference.